Sunday, November 26, 2006

The Singing 'O' Face....

Most of you know that I really like singing, have performed and like to keep on the up and up with it. That said, karaoke is my bag, baby. However, after looking at some recent photos, I'm noticing that when I sing, I make strnage faces. Teachers I have had have told me this is normal, that in order to get sound out, sometimes one must sacrifice the pretty. I guess I'll just have to get used to it.

For instance, this is me right this second, on a fairly slow Sunday, post-yoga and post-household chores.

And these are shots of my singing to "Sweet Caroline" at Bruno's Birthday two weeks ago. Despite being dressed and showered and fully makeup'd, I would argue that the faces made when singing don't translate well into photos. Grrrrr.

...Sweet Caroline....bahm! bahm! bahm!

...touching hands....reaching out...

In other news, this is one of the greatest articles the New York Times has ever written, about how the Bride and Tunnel folk have ruined Saturday night in NYC. At last, the newspaper of record finds a real story and one that I agree with 100%.