Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Julie's Wedding Extraveganza!!!

Allison, Jason and Lisa

You know a wedding week-end is going to be awesome when during the rehearsal dinner the father of the bride picks up a micrphone and tells everyone that if there's anything they need, to let him know. Anything, you say? So if I want a Bellini in the middle of the afternoon, the bar will make me one for free? Yup. Oh geez....

Julie's wedding was an amazing way to end this year's wedding season. There was dancing, booze, a sushi station, a chocolate fountain, about 200 or so people, all under one roof. We were all literally stumbling distance from our rooms. There's no off-switch on Julie's genius.

Here are some photos from the event. They were all taken by Allison Sachs, friend, dancer, wedding romancer.

Lisa Enjoys a Smoke at the Rehearsal Dinner
<Insert Cigar Joke Here>

Allison Sachs and I
Allison and I

Black and Brown All Over
Brown is the New Black

My Friend Pete and I at Table 13 (The Kids' Table)
Pete and I

More to come soon, once I pick them all up from CVS.

And Blogger, why is your site all messed up today? I realize you are a free service, but get it together.