Friday, February 06, 2009
It's Erin's 28th Birthday!
It's time get back to basics on this blog -- party photos! Tonight Erin feted her 28th year of birth, and even me, the pregnant lady, felt compelled to go down to The Dove on Thompson Street and hand over a birthday offering: A Dunkin Donuts gift card! Little known fact: Erin is one of only a handful of my friends who openly appreciates a good bout of junk food. It's perfectly acceptable to suggest a snack at McDonald's with her. She also hearts Dunkin Donuts as much as I do. Lately I've been on a hot chocolate kick. What's your D&D poison?
Super cute Ilana and Erin
And Caroline!
While uploading these shots I realized I had a whole set from Erin's birthday two years ago at Happy Ending. You'll notice three things in these shots: 1) I'm pale. February is not my favorite month for birthdays or for being photographed. 2) I'm wearing the same Baccarat necklace at both gatherings. I need more Baccarat in my life. Can a gal ever have too much? 3) We don't age. We moisturize!
Erin liked the card I got her.
See? Pale! February, I shake my fist at you!
Oh yes. Someone gave Erin Jenga for her birthday.
...and we proceeded to pose oddly with it.
Life is full of tough decisions
Sometimes I worry about the photos my kid will one day find of me.
good times,
New York City,