Sunday, March 23, 2014

At Last, Sun.

Saturday started as most Saturdays do: with some distance running. The ladies and I mixed it up and ran from West 59th Street all the way down to Battery Park. Between the sun and the water along the route, it was amazing. (I'm aware that I wear the same outfit every time I run. I'm there to sweat, not for a fashion show.)

Afterwards we walked over to Balthazaar in SoHo and had some brunch, as one does after a run. Along the way I saw this sign in a store window. They're talking about running for office, though.

Today, Sunday Funday, was spent cooking. It's a misconception among people that know me that I can't cook. I can, actually, and quite well. I just don't advertise it so that I never get stuck cooking for other people, or hosting Thanksgiving. #feminism.

This is the mango pear salsa I put together -- and over poached chicken -- for dinner. Scallions and fresh lime juice give it extra kick.

I had a lot of peppers and scallions leftover, so I poured them into an egg and milk mix and baked some egg muffins for breakfast tomorrow. That's thinkin', kids.