Tuesday, October 01, 2013

It's A Little Quiet Around Here

No, I'm not pinned underneath a bus or anything romantic like that. Just oddly busy. Whenever I'm actually reporting on a story and making sure it's accurate, other projects tend to get put on the back burner.

Two pieces are coming down the pipe this week for LearnVest, which is always exciting, since I'm very much into putting out writing that can help people. This time around it's a few service pieces about what real estate brokers don't tell you and how to deal with student loan debt when applying for a mortgage.

WeddingNugget is also happily chugging along. A few of my favorite recent posts:

1. In honor of the last episide of Breaking Bad, blue wedding jewelry.

2. Wedding flats, because it's hard to do the Horah in heels.

3. The rustic bride look is all the rage. Here's how to put it together.

4. You kind of have to register for crystal when you get married. Might as well make it colored.

5. Lace bridesmaid dresses are an infinitely better choice than anything cheap and satin.