Sunday, April 17, 2011

Post Race Sweaty Photo = Total Hotness

Some people sleep in on Sunday morning. I prefer to get up for an 8:00 a.m. race around Central Park. Today was just a short four mile hop. There's another one on Saturday.

Since the weather is decent today, I started strolling down Madison Avenue in search of coffee and ended up walking all the way down to Murray Hill, an extra two and half miles. This is what happens when I start listening to show tunes on my iPod.

This photo was taken literally less than five minutes after finishing in 39: 13. Decent time, but need to get the lead out. Also: a hairbrush.
Post- four mile race

The post-race, post-shower, clearly I found a hairbrush photo. It's a wonderful day in Murray Hill.
Post Race, Post Shower Sushi