Thursday, July 31, 2008

Don't Know How To Start Writing? Look No Further.

Most people know that I teach a writing class for The Gotham Writer's workshop. I teach the Intro To Non Fiction Class, which is designed to get people who like to write up and at 'em.

I give a lot of prompts in class which are designed to get students writing, or at least get the rusty gears turning in their heads. For some reason everyone always says they loved writing -- until they got to college and were forced to do it all the time. My job is to clean up the mess academia left behind.

Not everyone has the time or the discipline for a six-week long class, yet they still want to write, but don't know where to start. A few days ago I found this link to the Imagination Prompt Generator. Just click the button and you'll get a writing prompt. If you don't like, just keep clicking until you find something that inspires you.

Imagination Prompt Generator