Monday, September 03, 2007

The Weekend Continues...

Christine et Moi

The weekend is going well over here on Planet Pauline. Last night we marked Christine's 30th birthday with a dinner over at the SoNo Seaport. Good times were had by all. And in true, large group dinner situation, the bill did not come out right even though everyone claimed to have paid their share. Hmmmm...

Christine and Cake

I'm in the middle of readng Deluxe: How Luxury Lost Its Luster by Dana Thomas. It's a great read if you're into luxury purses and want to know how much you're being ripped off for that Louis Vuitton Speedy. (The answer is that they're marked up up to 13 times.) It's not much of a beach read, but still worth your lunch money.

Speaking of the beach, I made it out to Tod's Point in Greenwich yesterday for one last hurrah of sun.