Thursday, March 22, 2007

A Jesse Malin Drive-By

jesse malin 1200.jpg, originally uploaded by bijoubaby.

Last night I was wandering around Union Square, as I often am. I was headed home and I passed the Virgin Mega store. Inside, I heard music of the rock variety and realized that Jesse Malin was doing an in-store performance. Hurrah!

I got into Jesse Malin back in 2003 when he realeased "The Fine Art of Self-Destruction." It's the kind of album that really speaks to a 26-year-old. I've been on team Malin ever since. He's got a new album out called "Glitter in the Gutter." He played songs from it last night, but also did "Wendy" which is my most fave song of his.

It's little things like this that make it seem impossible for me to ever leave New York. I say that because I got my lease renewel forms yesterday as well. Yes, the property manager wants me to stick around. The rent is going to be raised from $1,315 to a more accurate market value of $1,410. Looks like it's me and the bugs again, at least for another year.