Thursday, March 30, 2006

Lemurs Have Nothing to Do With My Life Right Now

Ring tailed lemurs
Originally uploaded by Amiyaal.

Ring-tailed lemurs, like the ones on your right, have absolutely nothing to do with anything that I'm up to now. Lately I've been preoccupied with fighting the good fight, bordering sometimes on being unladylike.

Being that this is the internets, I can't get into the nuts and bolts of my current unpleasantness. Apologies all around.

However, if the English major in me is allowed to come out for a minute, I will say it revolves around the philosophical theme of self-identity. That is, am I but a cog in someone else's wheel, or have I come to a point in my career and my personal evolution where I won't put up with nonsense.

Last night while walking home I thought about how, when I was about 24 or so, I was dating an Israeli guy. When we met I was working a normal 9 to 5 schedule and all seemed right in the world. When things started to warm up between us, I was switched to evenings at work. Within weeks my new beau met another girl and I was history. I always wondered, though, if I had been around at night to hang out and spend time with him, would our relationshiip have been cut off so quickly? Would we at least be on speaking terms today?

I think everyone has their "Office Space" moment, that point where you realize a job is just that -- a job. It doesn't necessarily define you, even if you pride yourself on your talents. An electrician will always find wires to connect and a professor will always find students to teach, etc. What matters, at least as far as I can tell, is how that job fits into the rest of your life. How does it fit in with your relationships, your friends, your sanity, your sense of self-worth. I think that when any of these tenets are compromised, it's time to reassses things, maybe even get all angry Pit Bull on whoever is messing with your Mojo.

So that's what's up to right now -- tuning up my Mojo. Like most fights, it's not pleasant, but I would be a chump if I weren't going to the mattresses to fix it. And I'm no chump.

So that is that.