Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Everything is Ukrainian

One Must Have Tea at a Tea Party

I had to take a sick day yesterday because the herniated disc in my back was acting up and I could barely move. When this happens, it's best if I lie on a flat surface or move around, as opposed to being hunched over a desk and keyboard.

I also went visit to Dr. Boris, my Ukrainian neurologist. He's been keeping tabs on the situation since February, when I noticed the shooting pain down my left leg. He's the one who shot me up with cortizone and who keeps me well-stocked with painkillers. (No, I won't share...) He reassures me that I have to learn how to manage the injury (which we think was a product of too much running) and not keep begging for more cortizone shots. After all, I'm not a linebacker. I don't really need them all the time.

Later that night I was sitting around my apartment, wondering why it was so hot inside when it was relatively cool outside. I put on some clothes and went to go see "Everything is Illuminated." It's one of my favorite books and a few years back I interviewed Jonathan Safran Foer. It's still one of my favorite interviews. He was funny.

Long story short, the film is amazing. I mean, really amazing. I've heard a lot of people complain that the book was too hard too follow or a little slow, but I think the movie boils it down well. They got rid of the entire story line that takes place in Trachimbrod in the 1700s and focused on the present-day search to find the old village. The best part is that half of it is in Russian, or at least I think it's Russian and not Ukrainian, because I was actually picking up some of the phrases. Last time I checked, I don't speak Ukrainian. I don't really speak Russian either, but I know when some says, "I don't know!" (Yah Neez Nigh-yoo) or Slow down! (Palmalinkuh!)

Oh, and the soundtrack is phenomenal. Could a nice publicist send me over a copy? I mean, I get CDs and stuff in the mail all the time, but the soundtrack to this film is one I would really want.

There are also many things I could say about the brilliant performance of Eugene Hurtz, but most striking is that I am convinced he is the hottest man alive this side of the Volga River. Now everyone's going to want to date tall, lanky Russian guys with big eyes. If I did that, I think my mother would die of happiness.
