Monday, September 19, 2005

And I'm This Exhausted Because......

Me and Buffy, the Cat

Newflash: I actually went an entire week-end without any sort of wedding-related activity. Hoorah!

Friday: After a manicure I hopped on the N train over to Brooklyn Heights to see The Height's Players production of Brighton Beach Memoirs with Ashley. It was awesome. It's one of my favorite plays and they do an amazing job with it. It runs for one more week-end, so by all means check it out.

After the show Ashley and I hung around with a few other people we know from the theater. You'll remember this is the same place where I did South Pacific this past spring, and I hadn't been back since. Anyway, it was really nice to lurk around the stage and dressing room again, although I noticed that the after-show vibe was totally different than that of South Pacific. After a South Pacific show, people would hang out for hours eating, drinking and smoking cigarettes while the Brighton Beach crowd seemed to clear out immediately. Granted there are only about eight people in Brighton Beach Memoirs and there were easily 40 in South Pacific.

I made a quick stop at Pioneer back in Manhattan on the way home to say hey to Linda. By then I was so tired from all the boozing and schmoozing at the theater I just needed to get home.

Saturday: Shame I had to be up so early. I agreed to run in the Race for the Kids 5K Road Race over on the west side, so up I was at 8:15 AM. Although I run a lot, I had never done a race before, so this was a bit of a new challenge.

I finished in 29:30, which for a 5K leans towards the shitty side. I could have done so much better. For starters, a Power Bar and a can of Red Bull does not a healthy race-day breakfast make. Also, I totally underestimated the heat. I came to the race wearing a pair of shorts and a little shirt, then put the race T-shirt over that. Silly move! I sweat way too much and became totally overheated. But I guess lessons were learned for the next race, which should be soon.

Sunday: One would think Sunday would be a day of rest, but one would be wrong. I was roused from sleep once again before noon to go see the Russian Exhibit at the Guggenheim. It's basically an overview of Russian art from the icons of the 13th century or so to the modern day. It's really cool. Go see it.

However, my mom is really into art and she likes to get close to paintings. So close, that when we were in one of the galleries she got yelled at in Russian, by one of the guards. My mom spoke back to her in Russian, saying that she wasn't touching the painting at all. (She actually wasn't.) What amazed me was how the Russians were able to spot their own kind. My mom and I spoke English to each other, yet every few paintings someone would say something to her in Russian, and thus a conversation would ensue.

After she headed back to Connecticut I cleaned a bit and met up with Workman. He and a bunch of his friends from Michigan were hanging out on 30th Street. Football was watched and a duck salad was consumed.

This time next week I'll be pulling myself together after a loooong week-end in Las Vegas. In terms of this week, my only goals are to get to dance class and rearrange my furniture. I'm a simple gal.