TR and I went in for a full body sonogram of The Bean today. It took forever, but I'm happy to report that it has all its fingers and toes and all systems are very much a go in terms of its development. I still don't know what it is, but the technician does. She made me cover my eyes when she was taking photos of The Bean's goodies.
I'm still amazed that The Bean is in such great shape, especially since I didn't know I was pregnant until I was three months along. I was running all the time, having my way with the Bordeaux and chasing around town like a crazy person. I've read all these conception articles, which encourage women trying to eat right and relax, sleep normally and get into The Zone in order to conceive. They even encourage intimacy with your partner! Crazy! I did none of that. I ran on coffee and burgers then on empty. Life is funny, kiddos.
This photo freaks me out (in a good way!) because you can see the brain and the brain stem. The brain is quite large! That comes from my side of the family, of course.