In April 2002 I moved into a great apartment in Chinatown, on Bayard and Bowery. It was huge, and right after I moved in I threw a huge party.
In May 2002 I finished the Columbia School of Journalism, which was quite a feat considering I was working full time at the time.
In June 2002 I took off for a two-week singing tour of Bulgaria.
In July 2002, I spent the summer working as the food writer for the AP. It was a very random assignment, but led to one of my most productive writing periods ever. Also: I didn't have to work weekends, and no one ever questioned what I was up to.
Photos from Chinatown and Columbia below. These were all in taken in film, and with a disposable camera.
With Dave and Brian. Am I the only one who didn't notice at the time that I weighed all of three pounds?
In the ernormous kitchen at 50 Bayard Street with Cara
With Godfrey. I have no idea what's on his head.
A happy grad at Columbia. It was the nicest day ever. Perfect weather.
A sea of excellence!
La madre et moi
End of the afternoon, buzzed on the champagne at the reception.