Holidays are for sleeping on the couch with your favorite pet. Here are TR and Valentino, enjoying an early evening nap.
Earlier today TR and I hit Wegman's and Target. For your typical suburbanite these trips are mundane, but for city slickers such as ourselves they were adventures in consumerism.
Me, in Wegman's, in awe of the size of the place.
Wegman's has a section of "international foods" and so they included tea in the British section. No stereotypes there!
Last time I checked Tazo tea wasn't from England. Isn't it from Starbucks?
We just don't have in-store displays like this in NYC
Just seeing these made me feel 30% more Christmas-y.
After Wegman's we hit Target, where I actually got some gifts for some relatives and some goodies for myself. Target is the most fun you can have in discount shopping.
And if anyone's been looking for me, either over e-mail or phone, please know that since I'm out of town, I'm not answering much in the way of e-mail. Like my two beasts, Peppe and Valentino, I am enjoying a few long naps. I'll deal with you all in a few days.
And this? This is the piece of flourless chocolate cake that wouldn't leave me alone all afternoon. It's so good I could wear it.