If you like wine and want to learn more about it, your first stop should be the Alliance Francaise. They have all sorts of wine events, and tonight there was a large party in honor of a new crop of Beaujolais. It was crowded and loud and felt a little bit like a frat party for wine. I waited in line for a long time for some cheese. But overall it was a very good time. Stay tuned for the monthly wine tastings in the winter. They're not for the casual bouveuse.
Charlie Rose was a guest of honor (?!?!) and was inducted into some ancient Order of Beaujolais. I kid you not.
I have to offer a grande j'excuse to the ladies at the Trois Petits Couchons table. I know I loitered a lot, but only because the pate was so good! (And again, it was nearly impossible to get to the cheese table.) I am totally ordering some for Thanksgiving.
Also: The big winner in wine tonight was Laboure-Roi, who had a light, but still peppery Beaujolais that I couldn't get enough of. It got to a point where the winery owner knew my name, and gave me a card so I could order a case or so for the house. Methinks he was trying to distract me from emptying the small supply they'd brought to the party.