Tuesday, February 05, 2013

A Few From The Actual Dr. Oz Show

One of my outrageously sweet friends took actual photos with a camera of the Dr. Oz show and sent them over to me. I think we can all agree that the hair is the real star of the show.

If I can find video of the segment, I'll def post that, too.

Those keeping score at home will know that this is not my first appearance on a daytime talk show. In 2007 I was dressed up as a fashion 'Don't' on the Tyra Banks show and in 2011 I was one of three people on the Rachael Ray show for a demonstration of Salma Hayek's make up line. Livin' the dream.

Out of the gate...the big reveal!
Out I come.

Looking for the mark I'm supposed to hit.
Where is that mark I'm supposed to hit?

That 'before' photo didn't need to be shown as much as it was.
The before and after

Crazy eyes or charming eyes? You decide.
Oh, hello, Mehmet...