Friday, December 07, 2012

'Pauline' Is French For 'Punctual'

Source: via Floral on Pinterest

The beauty of having the apartment to myself is that I'm not watching the clock. I am punctual to a fault, always chronically early. I become frustrated with people who are not.

It was a strange feeling yesterday when I didn't have to pick up my boy from school. I just stayed at my desk, doing exactly what I was doing. I got a lot done over the course of the day, and even woke up at 7:00 on the dot this morning.

List-making is the cousin of timeliness, and there are many goals for the next few days: organize a closet, get in two runs around Central Park, set up coffee dates for next week. This doesn't mean I'm not distractable. Spotify offers many versions of songs, and if I'm not careful I will make a point to listen to every single one. Because there are tremendous differences between Jose Feliciano's version of "Malaguena", and Ritchie Valens' version. In case you didn't know.

Here are two more pieces I wrote for SheFinds this week.

10 Beauty Habits To Adopt As Soon As You Get Engaged

10 Things Every Couple Should Register For

On that note, I'm off to a meeting. Can't be late.