Sunday, June 03, 2012

In Which I Went To The West Side Today...

...and realized -- after 13 years in Manhattan -- why parents flock to the West Village in droves.

Because when you walk into the Bleecker Street playground on Family Day, surrounded by magicians and live music and pinwheels and rainbows, you think that sort of thing happens every day.


Free bird!
 Free bird!

Your playground doesn't have a guitarist, who kind of look like Kathy Griffin? (In a good way!) Untitled

Then I started chatting with some of the other parents, who were so much nicer than anyone in Murray Hill. (I hate to say it, but I've dealt with some real turnips at St. Vartan's Park.) Andre's pre-school is on the West Side, and strolling up The Highline was inspiring as well as easy. (Also notable: you can purchase cocktails on The Highline. This is not to be overlooked.)


So. Conflicted.