Sunday, September 13, 2009

It's The Susan G. Komen Race For The Cure!


Who wakes up at 7:00 on a Sunday morning just to run three miles? I do, as did about 10,000 other people who were at the starting line at 9:00 for the Susan G. Komen Race For the Cure 5K. I finished in just under 29 minutes. Ka-pow! Not bad for three months post partum.

My partners in crime, Anastacia and Jenny.

Jenny et moi. She's tiny, ergo, I look huge. I ran with those sunglasses on my head. I forgot to leave them at the bag check.

Starting line. Yes, there were that many people.
Starting line

Super sweaty fresh off the finish line and slightly amazed that I finished in 29 minutes.
Fresh off the finish line

The post-run brunch gang. Tom = cock in the hen house.

I wasn't aware there was a difference.
Is there a difference?

Ladies love babies!
Anastacia and Andre