Scene: Elevator in a Murray Hill High rise. Two young women are chatting.
Pretty Brunette: (flipping through mail) Hey, look. It' a wedding invitation from my friend Meredith. She and her fiance dated for eight months before getting engaged. Isn't that crazy?
Ugly Redhead: Eh. My brother-in-law dated his wife for eight weeks before getting engaged.
Pretty Brunette: Wow.
Ugly Redhead: (shaking her heads) But you know, they have problems. They've been to couples therapy and everything.
Pretty Brunette (saddened): Are they better now?
Ugly Redhead: (shrugs) I guess.
Pretty Brunette: How long have they been together?
Ugly Redhead: 15 years.
(The elevator door opens and they get off on the 18th floor.)