Saturday, February 23, 2008

La Pauline:Snow Shoe Queen!

La Pauline = Snow Shoe Queen

Today I went snow shoeing up in the Catskills. It is not for the faint of heart. I somehow got mixed up in a group of experienced outdoorsy people, but I held my own and was always in the front of the group. Seems that all those hours logged at the gym have built up my stamina.

The whole set can be seen here.

Adventure, in life, is very important, and I hope that after seeing these pictures you'll try to get more in your life. Too many New Yorkers spend their weekends cooped up in their homes doing nothing, or seeing bad movies or drinking too much in seedy Irish bars, and that is no fun at all. Clear your head. Go play outside.

Surprisingly, snow shoes do not look like giant tennis raquets.

Off we go!
Off we go!

The trail.

International symbol for snow shoeing?
International symbol for snow shoeing?

What a view!

One way to get down a hill
One way to get down a hill

Next year's Christmas card?
Next year's Christmas card?

Group shot
Group shot

Even in the great outdoors you have to wear earrings
Even in the great outdoors you need to wear earrings

Into the woods and through the trees...

How much farther?
How much farther?

Above the trees

Lunch spot
Lunch spot

Smiling, now that I had a sandwich
Still smiling at lunch

That last climb was no joke
That last climb was no joke