Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Peppe Is Officially ICanHasCheezburger-Approved

Last night I got a note from one of the people at Icanhascheezburger because they were linking Peppe's photo back to my Flickr gallery of him. They also want more shots of Peps for future LOLCat adventures. I am such a proud cat parent.

Here's the nice note:

I'm Emily from the lolcats site I Can Has Cheezburger? We had a submission of one of your pictures of Peppe that was captioned today. It was originally not attributed, but we found out that it was actually your picture.

I changed the credit and linked to your Flickr orignal photo after seeing pictures of Peppe (what a face!) and I wanted to let you know that it was on our site.

Your pictures of Peppe are fantastic and we would love to have your permission to keep this picture up and upload other pictures of Peppe onto our site so more people can caption him.

He definitely is quite photogenic and has quite a look about him!

And with any of your photos that are used, we would always credit you and link to your flickr page.

We get quite a bit of traffic (hundreds of thousands of people a day) and there's less than 1/2 of 1% chance of a picture making it to the homepage.
