Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Happy New Year! It's Time For Some Resolutions!

Very Late Night

Now that the forced good time that is New Year's Eve has passed, it's time to look ahead to the New Year.

1. I plan to be more social. Specifically, I would like to brunch more. I feel like I don't brunch properly anymore.

2. I plan to the run the 10-mile Junior League Mother's Day Race.

3. I would like to be a better skiier. And by better, I would like to learn how to. I have not been skiing since high school, but I loved it. Time to hit the slopes again.

4. I have to do something about my apartment. I need a new one!

5. And as usual, more writing and less resting on my laurels.

Finally, not to get all Krazy Kat Lady on you, but I think that if you can, you should take in a homeless animal in 2008. There are a lot of pets that need good homes and even a studio apartment in Manhattan is a better place for a cat or dog than a cage in a noisy shelter. Adult animals are also just as great as kittens and puppies. I just took in Peppe and he's five years old.

Check out PetFinder.com and search by breed, animal, or location.