Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Everything's Relative

URBAN, originally uploaded by pseudonimo51.

This afternoon I was in my local coffee shop, the Sunburst Cafe, enjoying some coffee and free Wi-Fi. It's always a busy place and for about 20 minutes the front door was open in order to let in some fresh air.

Given that it's about 40 degrees outside, eventually it got a little cold inside the cafe. I asked one of the workers if he could close the door, because I was cold.

"Cold?" He asked. He's about 20 years old with a wide, open face, blue eyes and white-blonde hair. "I guess that depends where you grow up."

That's when I laughed, because the Sunburst cafe is run by Russians. This kid told me he was born in the central Asian part of Russia, near Turkmenistan. To him, 40 degrees was not cold all. Perhaps it's downright tropical.

And yes, he closed the door for me.

File under Too Cute for Words: Baby orangutans and baby tigers are insperable playmates at an Indonesian zoo. The slideshow is priceless.