Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Exercising Patience

You Can Never Have Too Many Olives

Yes, this photo is from Saturday's Old Money Holiday Affaire, the party that made it cool to leave an iron out on the kitchen table.

I've been on this kick today to try to exercise more patience. It started this morning when I was at Walgreens, trying to buy a bottle of water before yoga. Normally this transaction would take all of three minutes, but this is Walgreens we're talking about. The woman ahead of me was buying a cart full of groceries (?!?!) with a check. Who, in this day and age, writes checks anymore? Besides for rent. I think the last time I wrote a check at a drugstore Clinton was in office. Even unemployment and welfare give you debit cards.

Anyway, I got my water, made it to class and realized that the 8:00 AM yoga class was the Old Lady class. True, it went out for an hour and change, but the most challenging move we did was Warrior II. No camel, no bow and defintely no bridge, which is my favorite.

Nevertheless, getting exercise out of the way early was a good idea, since I still have a massage to look forward to later today as well as a fancy dinner with Le Doug. Tomorrow: Boot Camp class! I have no idea what to expect.