Wednesday, October 04, 2006

The Most Wonderful Quiet

Yesterday afternoon all was right in the Gramercy Bunker. I was getting some work done, flipping through the channels, and then all of a sudden, the 12 -year-olds were back. I cringed, because this saga has been going on for well over a week, and there didn't seem to be any resolution.

It was the same boys who were at my window when I was in a towel last week, only this time they were throwing empty beer and soda cans up at the girl's window above me. Some were hitting my window. Then the gate opened to my stairs, and once again the boys were running up and down it.

A week of this nonsense was getting to be a little much, especially after the super broke up a party on Friday afternoon that had 20 kids, unsupervised, in the girl's apartment. One would think that after being shouted at by both a resident and the super one wouldn't invite her little friends over anyone. No such luck. I went up to her apartment, banged on the door, and told her that I was being put in a very uncomfortable spot. The building was not a playground, mostly because the playground is literally right next door. I reminded her that almost every resident in the building was angry at her for turning the lobby into a free for all.

The Little Girl swore up and down that she didn't invite the boys over, that they come everyday and just hang around. That seemed a little too convenient for me, especially when during this conversation the crew of boys came back. I asked them to leave, and one hung around. When I told him to leave he just stood there, and that is when I walked over to th 13th precinct.

Is it lame to call the cops on a pack of 12-year-olds? Yes. However, when one is paying good money to live in Gramercy, one does not want to have to listen to their swearing and shouting in the afternoon. Furthermmore, no one has seen an adult at this apartment in well over a week. Who leaves a 12-year-old girl alone for that long?

The cops came and I explained the situation, and they went into the apartment to speak with the girl. While I waited outside, other residents who I'd never met before thanked me for finally getting the police in there. That was strange.

Long story short: They somehow got the girl's father on the phone, who apparently works three hours away. He had no idea about any of this because he comes home late at night. He also didn't see why she couldn't be left alone, because he felt she was grown. (?!?!) The girl also claimed that she had a babysitter three days a week, which I actually doubt based on last week's antics.

It was quiet for the rest of the night and this afternoon has been pretty tame as well. It's a shame it had to come down to this, but what can you do? I also think it's sad that these kids have nothing else to do with their time than stand outside someone's window and shout. Isn't there a basketball game they can go to? Hell, there's a court right across the street.

Still no word on where the mother is or when she will return. Unreal.