Sunday, June 11, 2006

New York Warms Up

Una lunga pausa
Originally uploaded by *Ivan*.

The rain finally stopped around here, which is great. I was finally able to go for a run, which is likely the first of many this summer, given all the free time I have.

I am currently in the process of making my apartment more allergy-friendly. This means literally cleaning every flat surface, including the counter, floors, bookshelves, etc. It sounds really OCD, but my sinuses are much happier.

Required reading:
Please get the new issue of Elle magazine. In addition to a great piece about Stephanie Klein (whose blog I've really gotten into) there's also a great piece about John Mayer. Le sigh....

Also, this week's New York Times magazine has a number of great pieces about debt. One can never know too much about such things.

By the way, remember that contact lens that mysterious disappeared from my eye last Thursday? Even after going to the eye doc and being examined by her, she couldn't find it and deduced it just popped out.

Imagine my surprise, then, when I was roused from sleep at 4:00 AM on Saturday with a weird sensation in my left eye, as if something was stuck in the left corner. I looked in the bathroom mirror and sure enough, that lens was jammed in the corner. I pulled it out in utter disgust and went back to bed. It seems it literally rolled behind my eyeball and sat there for two days.

Mystery solved. Move over, Encyclopedia Brown.