Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Late Tuesday

Pepper takes a dip
Originally uploaded by tschopper.

I really shouldn't take such breaks away from the blog. But I was busy today with yoga and cleaning. I am trying to make some sense out of my closet. I am divying up what is to go to Goodwill and what can go to eBay. No joke. I have so much stuff that I've decided that whatever I sell I will put the proceeds towards my student loan, even if it's only $50. I hate my student loans (but like that I'm educated) so it seems like a good tactic.

Right now I am selling two pairs of shoes, worn once, and inside for just a few hours, during last year's wedding season. Feel free to bid.

Other news:

Britney's pregant? Again? Is this another sign of the Apocalypse?

Later this week I have big piece moving about Julian Rubinstein, compelte with photos and audio clips. Please read it when I post it up.